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NRTC Department of Industries Himachal Pradesh Recruitment 2024

NRTC Department of Industries Himachal Pradesh Recruitment 2024 Walk-in-Interview on 12.03.2024 at 10.30am at National Research & Technology Consortium, Sector-1, Parwanoo, Distt Solan (HP) for the following outsourced assignments

Please bring application along with recent passport size photograph and complete set of attested copies of certificates/testimonials in respect of qualification, age and experience etc mentioning post name. For More details please refer to website

Post NameTotal Posts
Scientific Professional03
Junior Accountant01
Security Guard01
Field Assistant-cum-Operator06
Environmental Specialist/Expert01
Post NameQualification
Scientific ProfessionalFirst class Master degree in Physics/
Forestry/Geography/Soil Sciences/Spatial Planning//Urban planning/Env. Planning/Geo-Informatics or
B.Tech/ M.Tech in the discipline of Engineering with at least two years experience in the Remote
Sensing/GIS etc.
Junior AccountantBachelor degree in commerce from recognized university/institution, should
have basic knowledge of computer Operation with at least one year Computer Training Certificate from
recognized/reputed institution. Should have minimum three years experience an Accountant in
commercial accounting with public sector undertaking or private limited company with an annual
turnover of at least rupees five Crores.
DriverShould be matriculate or its equivalent from recognized Board of School
Education/institution. Must possess valid driving license for the plying of heavy/light vehicles in hilly
Security GuardMatric or its equivalent from a Board of School Education recognized by the Central Govt/State Govt.
Knowledge of customs & dialects of Himachal Pradesh
Sweeper8th or its
equivalent from a Board of School Education recognized by the Central Govt/State Govt. Knowledge of
customs & dialects of Himachal Pradesh
Field Assistant-cum-Operator10+2(Science)
Environmental Specialist/ExpertMaster’s degree in Environmental Engineering/ Environmental Sciences/ Civil Engineering /Biological Sciences/ Ecological Sciences, Hydrology from recognized university, Experience: at least 5 years experience in assessing environmental impacts, field based environmental research,
Post NameSalary
Scientific ProfessionalRs. 20,000/- (fixed)+3% annual increase)
Junior AccountantRs. 14100/- (fixed)
DriverRs. 13200/- per month
Security GuardRs.12300 /-(fixed) +EPF &ESI as per
SweeperRs.11250 /-(fixed) +EPF &ESI as per norms
Field Assistant-cum-OperatorRs.10890 /-(fixed) +EPF
&ESI as per norms
Environmental Specialist/Expertemoluments

Maximum Age : 45 Years

Walk-in-Interview on 12.03.2024 at 10.30am

National Research & Technology Consortium, Sector-1, Parwanoo, Distt Solan (HP)

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