Computer Questions for JOA IT
Himachal Pradesh SSSB JOA IT Study Material
Q1.What is the maximum zoom percentage in Microsoft PowerPoint?
(a) 100%
(b) 200%
(c) 400%
(d) 500%
(e) None of these
Sol. 400% is the max. zoom percentage in PowerPoint.
Q2._ is a set of keywords, symbols and a system of rules for constructing statements by which human can communicate the instructions to be executed by a computer.
(a) A computer program
(b) A programming language
(c) An assemble
(d) Syntax
(e) None of these
Sol. A programming language is a formal computer language or constructed language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs to control the behavior of a machine or to express algorithms.
Q3.The first electronic digital computer contained __?
(a) Electronic valves
(b) Neural Networks
(c) Fuzzy Logic
(d) Semiconductor memory
(e) None of these
Sol. The first electronic digital computer contained electronic valves.
Q4.The software that is used to create text based documents is referred as
(a) DBMS
(b) Suits
(c) Spreadsheets
(d) Presentation software
(e) Word processor
Sol. Word processors are used to create text based documents.
Q5.Which of the following is web browser?
(a) Netscape
(b) Chrome
(c) Firefox
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(e) All of the above
Sol. All of the above are web browser
Q6.FORTRAN is a programming language. It is more suitable for .
(a) business applications
(b) marketing applications
(c) scientific applications
(d) statically calculative applications
(e) None of these
Sol. FORTRAN is the best and only major programming language for scientific applications. It is designed for performing large and complex scientific numerical computing.
Q7.___device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer.
(a) Interaction
(b) Input
(c) Communication
(d) Output
(e) None of these
Sol. Input devices are hardware components that allow you to enter data and instructions into a computer system.
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Q8.What types of devices are CDs are DVDs?
(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Software
(d) Optical Storage
(e) Magnetic Storage
Sol. CDs and DVDs are used to write data on them. Even though compact, these devices can easily carry large volumes of data. They are Optical storage devices.
HPSSSB JOA IT Study Material
Q9.The speed of clock frequency of a microprocessor is measured in ______.
(a) hertz
(b) baud rate
(c) CPS
(d) bits
(e) bytes
Sol. Hertz is a unit in which the speed of clock frequency of a microprocessor is measured.
Q10.To start a computers system, which of the following is not required necessarily?
(a) RAM
(b) Flash Drive
(c) Accumulator
(d) Motherboard
(e) CPU
Sol. Flash drives are external storage media, not necessarily required to start a system, unless you are trying to reboot the system through a bootable flash drive.
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Q11.Which part of the hardware compensates the difference between the speeds of CPU and peripherals?
(a) Scanner
(b) Printer
(c) Video card
(d) Motherboard
(e) Interface
Sol. A motherboard is a part of the computer hardware that compensates the difference between the speeds of CPU and peripherals.
Q12.Which of the following fields of an e-mail hides the identity of the recipients?
(a) To
(b) From
(c) Cc
(d) Bcc
Sol. Bcc stands for ‘Blind Carbon Copy’. The recipients whose e-mail addresses are added in the Bcc field would receive a copy of the email; however, the identity of these recipients would not be disclosed.
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Q13.A commonly used graphic format for the Web is:
(a) GIF
(b) BMP
(c) TXT
(d) LMP
(e) TIF
Sol. The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is used to save simple Web graphics having limited colours.
Q14.What is the technical term for the devices connected in a network?
(a) Hubs
(b) Nodes
(c) Sections
(d) Attachment units
(e) Access pointers
Sol. In a computer network, the devices are called nodes.
Q15.MS Word is a text or document editing application program that comes in the package of MS Office Suite. Which among the given options is not related with MS Word?
(a) Page Layout
(b) Antivirus
(c) Mailings
(d) Format Painter
(e) SmartArt
Sol. Except Antivirus, all others are parts and options available in MS Word.
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Computer Questions for JOA IT
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