HP High Court Clerk Syllabus

HP High Court Clerk Exam Pattern and Syllabus

HP High Court Clerk Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Himachal Pradesh High Court Clerk Exam Pattern and Syllabus

HP High Court Clerk Exam Pattern and Syllabus It shall be in English Language consisting of MCQ type, carrying four choices for each question, out of which the correct answer shall have to be given by the candidate on OMR answer sheet by blackening the appropriate circle or any other mode as suggested in the question paper/O.M.R. sheet.

Each question shall carry equal weightage of one mark. The Screening test shall be touching the following subjects:-

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Note-1:-The questions relating to the Geography, Culture, Sports, General Science, History, Who is Who, Indian and H.P Judiciary, current affairs etc. shall be included in the paper of General Knowledge.

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Typing Test: The candidates shall have to qualify, typing test with a speed of 30 W.P.M. in English and 25 W.P.M. in Hindi, on Computers. Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in typing test shall be permitted.

Note-1:-The time for typing test shall be ten (10) minutes.

Note-2:-The typing test shall be merely qualifying and marks obtained therein shall not be counted for determining the final merit.

Note-3: Final merit list shall be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in written test.

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