HP High Court Clerk Syllabus 2023 It shall be in English Language consisting of MCQ type carrying four choices for each question, out of which the correct answer shall have to be given by the candidate on OMR answer sheet by blackening the appropriate circle or any other mode as suggested in the question paper/O.M.R. sheet.
HP High Court Clerk Syllabus 2023 Each question shall carry equal weightage of one mark . The Screening test shall be of two hours duration comprising 100 questions of 100 marks in aggregate, touching the following subjects:

Candidates qualifying the Screening test as mentioned in Note – 2 above, shall be called for written examination and typing test. The candidate is required to secure at least 45 per cent marks in main written test.

Typing Test
The High Court may conduct the typing test of the candidates on the day, they appear for the main written examination or may notify some another date for the typing test.]83 The candidates shall have to qualify, typing test at a speed of 30 W.P.M., in English, on computers, wherefor a separate test shall be held.
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Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in typing test shall be permitted which in other words means that if any candidate commits more than thirty (30) mistakes, then notwithstanding the fact that he has successfully typed out the given passage/material with the speed of 30 w.p.m. still he shall be declared as unqualified and shall not be eligible to appear in the interview. Note – 1: The time for typing test shall be ten (10) minutes. Note – 2: The typing test shall be merely qualifying and marks obtained therein shall not be counted for determining the final merit.

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