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HP State Co-Operative Bank Clerk Study Material

HP State Co-Operative Bank Clerk Study Material

Reasoning (Coding Decoding) Part-4 for HP State Co-Operative Bank Clerk and Steno

What is Coding Decoding? This topic is included in the reasoning ability syllabus and as the name suggests, candidates have to decode a code given in the question and answer them accordingly. It is one of the most common topics from which questions are asked in competitive exams, especially bank exams.

In a certain code language

‘plan to go exam’ is coded as ‘oj kr mn pc’

‘exam today easy’ is coded as ‘si oj ly’

‘plan your exam today’ is coded as ‘zm oj si mn ’

‘make your plan today’ is coded as ‘zm si mn rk’

एक विशिष्ट कूट भाषा में,

‘plan to go exam’ को ‘oj kr mn pc’ के रूप में कूटित किया जाता है

‘exam today easy’ को ‘si oj ly’ के रूप में कूटित किया जाता है

‘plan your exam today’ को ‘zm oj si mn’ के रूप में कूटित किया जाता है

‘make your plan today’ को ‘zm si mn rk’ के रूप में कूटित किया जाता है

1 What is the code of ‘make’ as per the given code language?

(a) zm

(b) mn

(c) rk

(d) pc

(e) None of these

2. What is the code of ‘exam’ as per the given code language?

(a) rk

(b) pc

(c) kr

(d) oj

(e) None of these

3. What is the code of ‘go’ as per the given code language?

(a) pc

(b) si

(c) kr

(d) either ‘pc’ or ‘kr’

(e) None of these

4. What is the code of ‘exam today’ as per the given code language?

(a) si oj

(b) mn kr

(c) lv si

(d) zm oj

(e) None of these

5. If ‘easy to plan’ is coded as ‘mn ly pc’ then what is the code of ‘go’ as per the given code language?

(a) pc

(b) zm

(c) kr

(d) mn

(e) None of these

Orange Typographic Business with Yellow Lines Book Cover 1 2
Solution :

Q.1 :- C

Q.2 :- D

Q.3 :- D

Q.4 :- A

Q.5 :- C


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