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HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 HP Van Mitra Notification 2023 Out

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 HP Van Mitra Notification 2023 Out Notification for recruitment of Van Mitra announced officially by the Forest Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh in its official website at https://forp.hp.gov.in/ most probably on 30 November 2023.

Candidates who are eligible and interested will be able to apply online by providing required details and uploading documents once the advertisement brochure is released officially and the window to apply online is activated on the respective web portal.

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 number of vacancy varies for different districts as every beats of district will appoint one Van Mitra.

Himachal Van Mitra Bharti 2023 – Vacancy

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 number of vacancy varies for different districts as every beats of district will appoint one Van Mitra.

Name of CircleNo. of Posts
WL (north) Dharamshala30
WL(South) Shimla77
GHNP. Shamshi52

Himachal Van Mitra Bharti 2023Eligibility Criteria

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 interested candidates should have to be a resident of Gram Panchayat / urban Local Body falling in the jurisdiction of the Forest Beat concerned along with that the candidate had to be physically fit with sound mind, never involved in any act of criminal activities. Desirable knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh is necessary.

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 – Age Limit

Candidates interested for HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 should be of 18 years to 25 years of age as on the last date of application.

Minimum Age : 18 Years

Maximum Age : 25 Years

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 – Physical Standard

For Male Candidate

  • Height: Minimum 165 cm.
  • Chest: Minimum 79 cm without expansion and 84 cm after expansion.
  • For Schedule Tribes candidates, there’s a relaxation of up to 5 cm in height and 4 cm for chest without and with expansion.

For Female Candidate

  • Height: Minimum 150 cm.
  • Chest: Minimum 74 cm without expansion and 79 cm after expansion.
  • For Schedule Tribes candidates, there’s a relaxation of up to 5 cm for height and 4 cm for chest without and with expansion.


The candidate will Apply for engagement as “Van Mitra” on the application form as per Annexure-II, along with self attested photocopies of

I. Proof of Age

II. Proof of Education Qualifications

III. Proof Residence status of local/ Neighboring Gram Panchayat/ Village GP /ULB

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 – Selection Process

HP Van Mitra Recruitment 2023 interested candidate had to go through the following process to selected as Van Mitra

Selection & Engagement

Composition of Van Mitra Engagement Committee

SDO Concerned : Chairperson

DFO/ACF Concerned : Member

RO Concerned : Member Secretary

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Important Date

Starting Date to Apply : 30th November 2023

Closing Date to Apply : 30-12-2023

वन मित्र के लिए आयु सीमा 18 से 25 वर्ष है। वन मित्रों के लिए 100 अंकों का टेस्ट होगा। अभ्यर्थियों की न्यूनतम शैक्षणिक योग्यता 12वीं पास है। वन मित्रों को 10 हजार रुपये प्रति माह मानदेय और सरकारी छुट्टियों के अलावा साल में 12 अतिरिक्त छुट्टियां मिलेंगी। महिलाओं को 180 दिन का मातृत्व अवकाश मिलेगा। अभ्यर्थियों को शारीरिक मानदंड भी पूरे करने होंगे। ग्राउंड टेस्ट पास करने के बाद ही वन मित्र बन सकेंगे। वन मित्रों को वनों की आग से सुरक्षा, पौधरोपण समेत अन्य काम करने होंगे। जिस बीट में वन मित्र रखे जाएंगे वहां से उनका तबादला नहीं होगा। एक दिन में न्यूनतम 6 घंटे काम करना होगा।

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