HPPSC Shimla Allied Services Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 It is very important to know the details of HPPSC Allied Services Syllabus 2023 if you are preparing for the examination. HPPSC Allied Services conducts an exam HPAS (Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service) every year for its recruitment.
Knowing the syllabus & exam pattern of HPPSC Allied Services will help you a lot in your preparation as it will keep you focused on the exact topics which are important for the HPPSC Allied Services examination.
HPPSC Shimla Allied Services Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023
1.The HPPSC Allied Services Syllabus for prelims and the main examination are a little different.
2.The HPPSC Allied Services exam will be conducted in three phases: Prelims, the Main Examination and the interview. Candidates have to clear the prelims in order to be eligible for the Main examination.
3.The Prelims consist of one paper which will be held with a total of 200 objective type questions.
4.The Main Examination will be a written test with a total of 3 papers, each with 3 hours time duration. 5.The last stage will be a Viva test for the final recruitment of HPPSC Allied Services.
HPPSC Shimla Allied Services Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023
The HPPSC Allied Services Examination is divided into two phases, the prelims and the Main Examination. The HPPSC Allied Services Syllabus 2023 for Prelims and the main examination are quite different for both the papers. The below table holds the complete details of the HPPSC Allied Services Syllabus for both parts.
HPPSC Allied Services Syllabus for Screening and Mains.
For Screening Test | Syllabus |
Paper-I (General Knowledge based on Himachal Pradesh, Modern history, General awareness and current affairs) | 1. History, Geography and Socio-economic development of Himachal Pradesh 2. Knowledge of current events of national and international importance. 3. Indian National Movement and History of India. 4. Indian Polity and governance-constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, Public policy, Rights Issues, etc. 5. General issues on environmental ecology, Biodiversity and climate change which don’t require any subject specialization. 6. General Science. 7. Social-economic geography of India and the world and questions on Mahatma Gandhi teachings. |
For Mains Exam | Syllabus |
Paper-I English (Conventional) | Candidates will have to answer the questions checking their English language and usage of wordsPrecis Writing English composition letter/Application/Report/Note writing.Comprehension of Unseen passages. |
Paper-II Hindi (Conventional) | Translation of English Passage into Hindi.Explanation of Hindi passage in the same language.Composition (Essay, Idioms, Correction,etc.) |
Paper-III General Knowledge | History, Geography, and socio-economic development of Himachal Pradesh. Knowledge of current events of National and International importance and matters of everyday observation & experience in the scientific aspects without any specialization in any scientific subject. There will be Modern History of India, Indian culture, Indian polity, Indian economy and Geography of India & questions on Mahatma Gandhi teachings. |
HPPSC Allied Services Exam Pattern 2023
The HPPSC Allied Services exam pattern is different for both parts Prelims as well as the Main examination. Both the exams i.e. prelims and main exam will be a written test containing multiple-choice questions, where the prelims will be of 200 marks and the main examination of 400 marks. At the last stage of the exam i.e. after the Mains, there will be a viva voice of 150 marks for the final recruitment of HPPSC Allied Services. The below table holds all the details of HPPSC Allied Services exam pattern for all the different phases.
HPPSC Allied Services Exam Pattern for Preliminary Examination
Sr.no | Subject | Marks | Duration |
1 | History, Geography and socio-economic development of Himachal Pradesh. | 60 | 3 hours |
2 | Knowledge of current events of national and international importance and such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. | 60 | |
3 | Modern History (From 1857 onwards) of India, Indian culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Geography of India, and Disaster Management. Environment and Gender issues and teaching of Mahatma Gandhi. | 80 |
HPPSC Allied Services Exam Pattern for Main Examination
Mains Exam | Subject Name | Total Marks | Exam duration |
Paper-I | English(Conventional) | 150 | 3 hours |
Paper-II | Hindi(Conventional) | 150 | 3 hours |
Paper-III | General Knowledge | 200 | 3 hours |
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