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Daily Vocabulary Words 23rd January 2023

Daily Vocabulary Words 23rd January 2023

Daily Vocabulary Words 23rd January 2023

1.Trove (noun) Meaning; A treasure trove; a collection of treasure

Synonyms: reservoir, stock

Antonyms: litter, junk

2. Humdrum (adjective) Meaning; Lacking variety or excitement; dull; boring.

Synonyms: boring

Antonyms: exciting

3. Exonerate (verb) Meaning; To relieve (someone or something) of a load; to unburden (a load)

Synonyms: absolve, acquit

Antonyms: charge, convict

4. Splinter (verb) Meaning; To break, or cause to break, into factions

Synonyms: split, fracture

Antonyms: join, combine

5. Subterranean (adjective) Meaning; below ground, under the earth, underground

Synonyms: subversive, covert

Antonyms: open, palpable

6. Blatant (Adjective) Meaning; Bellowing; disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly

Synonyms: glaring

Antonyms: subtle

7. Staid (adjective) Meaning; Not capricious or impulsive; sedate, serious, sober

Synonyms: composed

Antonyms: frivolous

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