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HPPSC Shimla Release Notification Regarding HRTC Conductor

HPPSC Shimla Release Notification Regarding HRTC Conductor It is for information of all concerned candidates that the prescribed fee in respect of 988 applicants (620 candidates who had applied in response to the advertisement issued by the HPPSC as per Annexure–“A” & 368 candidates who had applied in response to both the advertisements issued by the erstwhile HPSSC Hamirpur as well as HPPSC as per Annexure– “B”) has not been found deposited.

All the concerned are advised to either submit proof of having deposited the requisite examinations fee or should deposit fee within 07 days latest by 31.08.2023. The portal for depositing of fee will remain open w.e.f. 25.08.2023 to 31.08.2023 upto 11:59 PM.

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