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NICL Administrative Officer Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 274 Posts

NICL Administrative Officer Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 274 Posts National Insurance Company Ltd. invites applications for recruitment of 274 (Two Hundred and Seventy Four) Officers in Scale I cadre from open market. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply.

NICL AO Recruitment 2024 Overview will make the students more aware of the 274 vacancies available with the organization. Moreover, all the recruitment details have been written here in a sequenced manner for a better brief. Go through these short details for a better understanding of the opportunity.

NICL AO Recruitment 2024: Overview
OrganizationNational Insurance Company
PostAdministrative Officers (Generalists & Specialists Scale I)
Online Application Date2 January 2024
Application ModeOnline
Educational QualificationDiffers as per the posts
Age LimitMin: 21 Years and Max: 30 Years
SalaryBasic Pay: Rs. 50,925 /-

NIACL AO Vacancy 2024 includes a total of 274 vacancies for Administration Officers. Out of these vacancies, the segmentation has been done into different disciplines such as Doctor with 28 posts, Legal with 20 posts, Finance with 30 posts, Actuarial with 02 posts, Information Technology with 20 posts, Automobile Engineers with 20 posts, Hindi Officer with 22 posts. Even 130 posts are available for Generalist posts and 02 posts are for Backlogs. For a detailed review, you can go through the table below listed as per the NICL AO Notification 2024.

NICL Administrative Officers Vacancy 2024 
DisciplineNo. of PostsUROBCSCSTEWSOut Of Which PwBD
SpecialistsABCD & E
Doctors (MBBS)2857332612142222
Information Technology20
Automobile Engineers20
Hindi (Rajbhasha) Officers22
DisciplineNo. of PostsUROBCSCSTEWSOut Of Which PwBD

NICL AO Educational Qualification has been mentioned precisely in the notification PDF. The educational criteria is different for each post. However, the common criteria should be a Graduation degree from a recognized university. For your convenience, we have listed the NICL AO Educational Qualification in this section.

NICL AO Educational Qualification 
Discipline Minimum Educational Qualification
Doctors (MBBS)M.B.B.S / M.D. / M.S. or PG – Medical Degree from a recognized University
OR equivalent foreign degrees which are recognized as such by the National Medical Commission (Formerly
Medical Council of India) with the prescribed benchmark.
Furthermore, the candidate must hold a valid registration from the National Medical Commission (Formerly Medical Council of India) or any State Medical Council (as applicable for Allopathy) as of the date of the scheduled interview.
LegalGraduate / Post Graduate in Law from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations (at least 55% for SC/ST) candidates.
FinanceChartered Accountant (ICAI) / Cost Accountant (ICWA) OR B.COM / M.COM from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations (at least 55% for SC/ST) candidates.
ActuarialBachelor / Master’s degree in Statistics / Mathematics / Actuarial Science or any other quantitative discipline from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations (at least 55% for SC/ST) candidates.
Information TechnologyB.E / B.Tech / M.E. / M.Tech in Computer Science/Information Technology/ MCA from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations (at least 55% for SC/ST) candidates.
Automobile EngineeringB.E. / B.Tech. / M.E. / M.Tech in Automobile Engineering from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations (at least 55% for SC/ST) candidates.
Generalist OfficersGraduate / Post Graduate in any stream from a recognized University with at least 60% marks in either of the degree examinations (at least 55% for SC/ST)
Hindi (Rajbhasha) OfficersMaster’s Degree from a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks)
Master’s Degree from a recognized University in English with Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the
medium of examination at the degree level with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks)
Master’s Degree from a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi medium and English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks)
Master’s Degree from a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with English medium and Hindi as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks) OR
Master’s Degree from a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi or English, with Hindi and English as the compulsory or elective subjects or either of the two as a medium of examination and the other as a compulsory or elective subject at the degree level with 60% marks (for SC/ST 55% marks)

As mentioned in the notification PDF the NICL AO Age Limit will be suitable for a maximum number of aspiring candidates. The minimum age limit has been decided to be 21 Years and the maximum age limit has been decided to be 30 Years. You can check the table below to understand the age criteria as mentioned in the NICL AO Recruitment 2024 PDF.

NICL AO Age Limit as on 01.12.2023
Minimum Age21 Years 
Maximum Age30 Years

The application fee for NICL AO Notification 2024 has been decided to be Rs.250 for SC/ST/PwBD candidates and Rs.1000/- for all other candidates. The payment of the application fee has to be done before 22 January 2024 and it is non-refundable. For details, you can check the table below.

NICL AO 2024 Application Fee
SC / ST / PwBDRs. 250/- (incl. of GST) (Intimation Charges only)
All candidates other than SC / ST / PwBDRs. 1000/- (incl. of GST) (Application fee including intimation charges)

NICL AO Recruitment 2024 Exam Pattern has been divided into two parts. Part A is applicable to the candidates who have not applied for the Hindi Officer position. Check out the table below for the preliminary pattern of NICL AO Recruitment 2024.

Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests (Multiple Choice type Questions) for 100 marks will be conducted online (applicable for all disciplines except Hindi Officers). This test would be of 60 minutes duration consisting of 3 sections.

NICL AO 2024 Prelims Pattern
Name of TestType of testMax. MarksDuration for each test/sectionVersion
English LanguageObjective3020 minutesEnglish
Reasoning AbilityObjective3520 minutesEng / Hindi
Quantitative AptitudeObjective3520 minutesEng / Hindi

The main Examination will consist of Objective Tests (Multiple Choice type Questions) for 250 marks and a Descriptive Test for 30 Marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have to answer the Descriptive Test by typing on the computer.

Check out the table to understand the exam pattern for the Generalist’s post:

NICL AO 2024 Mains Pattern For Generalists
Name of TestType of testNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration for each test/section
Test of ReasoningObjective5050Eng / Hindi40 min
Test of English LanguageObjective5050Eng40 min
Test of General AwarenessObjective5050Eng / Hindi30 min
Test of Computer KnowledgeObjective5050Eng / Hindi30 min
Test of Quantitative AptitudeObjective5050Eng / Hindi40 min

Check out the table to understand the exam pattern for the Specialists post:

NICL AO 2024 Mains Pattern For Specialists
Name of TestType of testNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration for each test/section
Test of ReasoningObjective4040Eng / Hindi35 min
Test of English LanguageObjective4040Eng30 min
Test of General AwarenessObjective4040Eng / Hindi20 min
Test of Computer KnowledgeObjective4040Eng / Hindi25 min
Test of Quantitative AptitudeObjective4040Eng / Hindi35 min
In the Specialist stream, an additional test to assess
technical& professional knowledge in the relevant
Objective5050Eng / Hindi35 min
Total (Aggregate)250

This exam pattern will be valued by the candidates who will apply for the Hindi officer post. The online written exam of 3 Hours and 30 Minutes duration will be conducted in a single phase for Hindi (Rajbhasha) Officers.

NICL AO Recruitment 2024 Exam Pattern For Rajbhasha Officers
Name of TestType of testNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksMedium of ExamDuration for each test/section
Test of ReasoningObjective4040Eng / Hindi35 min
Test of General AwarenessObjective4040Eng / Hindi25 min
Test of English LanguageObjective4040Eng35 min
Test of Translation
(English to Hindi and Hindi to English)
Objective404025 min
Test of Hindi and English grammar/ vocabulary &
knowledge of Act/ Rules regarding Official
Language implementation
Objective4040Eng / Hindi30 min
Test of Hindi Language Essay, Précis,
Comprehension & Letter Writing
Descriptive450Hindi60 min
Total (Aggregate)250

The NICL AO 2024 Syllabus has been released along with the NICL AO Notification 2024. The syllabus will consist of subjects like English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Test of General Awareness, Test of Computer Knowledge, etc. The candidates need to evaluate the NICL AO 2024 Syllabus correctly to understand the nature of the sections. You can check the notification PDF to verify the weightage of the following sections.

NICL AO Salary 2024 will be extremely beneficial for the candidates as it is highly lucrative and has great standards. The initial basic pay will be Rs. 50,925 /-. The scale of pay will be around Rs. 50925-2500(14)-85925 2710(4)-96765. Other than this many allowances and benefits will be awarded to the candidates. Total emoluments will be basically Rs. 85,000/- per month in Metropolitan Centres. Check out the table below for further reference.

NICL AO 2024 Salary
Basic PayRs. 50,925 /-
Pay ScaleRs.50925-2500(14)-85925 2710(4)-96765
Total EmolumentsRs. 85,000/- per month in Metropolitan Centres
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