SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 Apply for 13735 Posts

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 Apply for 13735 Posts The State Bank of India has opened doors for aspirants aiming for a stable and rewarding career in the banking sector. The SBI Clerk Notification PDF 2024-25 has been made available on the official SBI website, www.sbi.co.in. on 16 December 2024. The online application dates for 13,735 Clerk(Junior Associate) vacancies is from 17 December to 07 January 2025. The direct link to access the SBI Clerk Notification 2024-25 PDF has been attached in the given section.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 Apply for 13735 Posts Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment as Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) in clerical cadre in State Bank of India. Candidates can apply for vacancies in one State/UT only. Candidates can appear for the test only once under this recruitment project. The candidates applying for vacancies of a particular State/UT, should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in the specified opted local language of that State/UT (mentioned in the under given vacancy table against each state/UT).

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25

The test for knowledge of specified opted local language will be conducted as a part of selection process. It will be conducted after qualifying the online Main examination but before joining the Bank. Candidates who fail to qualify this test will not be offered appointment. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be required to undergo the language test. There is no provision for Inter Circle Transfer / Inter State Transfer for Junior Associates to be recruited.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Overview

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25
PostClerk (Junior Associate)
Application TypeRecruitment servicesOnline
 Educational QualificationGraduation
Age Limit20-28 Years
Selection ProcessPreliminary & Main Examination & Document verification
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SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Vacancy Details

SBI Clerk Vacancy 2024
CircleState/UTRegular Vacancies
AmaravatiAndhra Pradesh50
BhopalMadhya Pradesh1317
Jammu & Kashmir141
Himachal Pradesh170
Chandigarh UT32
ChennaiTamil Nadu336
KolkataWest Bengal1254
A&N Islands70
LucknowUttar Pradesh1894
New DelhiDelhi343
North EasternArunachal Pradesh66

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Qualifications

Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university. Final-year students may apply, provided they can present proof of graduation at the time of joining if selected.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Age Limit

The age criteria for SBI Clerk Notification are as follows:

  • Minimum Age: 20 years
  • Maximum Age: 28 years

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Selection Process

The SBI Clerk Notification 2024-25 selection process comprises two main stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination: This is a qualifying exam where candidates are tested on English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability.
  2. Main Examination: Candidates who clear the Prelims will be eligible for the Mains, which consists of four sections: General/Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude.

There is no interview round for the SBI Clerk. Final selection is based on the candidate’s performance in the Mains examination, language proficiency test, subject to document verification, and medical examination.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Exam Pattern

Understanding the exam pattern is essential for efficient preparation. The SBI Clerk exam follows the below structure:

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 
SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language303020 mins
Numerical Ability353520 mins
Reasoning Ability353520 mins
Total10010060 mins

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern
SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General/Financial Awareness505035 mins
General English404035 mins
Quantitative Aptitude505045 mins
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude506045 mins
Total1902002 hrs 40 mins

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Salary

PAY SCALE: Rs.24050-1340/3-28070-1650/3-33020-2000/4-41020- 2340/7-57400-4400/1-61800-2680/1-64480. The starting Basic Pay is Rs.26730/- (Rs.24050/- plus two advance increments admissible to graduates).

EMOLUMENTS: The total starting emoluments of a Clerical Cadre employee payable at Metro like Mumbai will be around Rs.46,000/- per month inclusive of D.A., other allowances at the current rate and two additional increments for newly recruited graduate junior associates. Allowances may vary depending upon the place of posting. They will be eligible for reimbursement of various perquisites, provident fund, Pension under New Pension scheme (Defined Contribution Benefit), Medical, Leave-Fare and other facilities, as per instructions of the Bank as may be issued from time to time.

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Important Dates

SBI has released the official notification for all the circles along with the special recruitment drive for the Ladakh region. The given table comprises the SBI Clerk 2024 important dates.

SBI Clerk 2024: Important Dates
EventFor All Circles     For Ladakh Region 
SBI Clerk 2024 Notification PDF16 December 20246 December 2024
SBI Clerk  Apply Online 202417 December to 07 January 20257 to 27 December 2024
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam DateFebruary 2025January/February 2025

SBI Clerk Recruitment 2024-25 : Application fees

SBI Clerk Application Fees
CategoryApplication Fees
General/OBC/EWSRs. 750

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