GIC Recruitment 2021 – Apply Online for 44 Assistant Manager Officer Scale I Posts
GIC Recruitment 2021 General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC of India) has announced a notification for the recruitment of Officer Scale I in the cadre of Assistant Manager Scale I vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.
Total Vacancies : 44 Posts
Finance/ Chartered Accounts : 15 Posts
Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks for General & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates) and candidates should have passed the Final examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Candidates should provide their membership number and the same will be verified with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks for General & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates).
Bachelor’s Degree in Law recognized by Bar council of India for the purpose of enrolment as an Advocate with a minimum of 60% marks for General & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates).
Graduation in any discipline with minimum 60% marks for General & OBC candidates (55% for SC/ST candidates) and candidates should possess Post Graduate Degree/diploma in General Insurance/ Risk Management/ Life Insurance/ FIII/ FCII.
Minimum Age : 21 Years
Maximum Age : 30 Years
Basic Pay Rs.32,795/- per month in the scale of Rs.32795 -1610(14) – 55335 -1745(4) – 62315 and other admissible allowances like DA, HRA, CCA, etc. The total emoluments will be about Rs. 65,000/-p.m. plus other benefits
Processing & Exam Fee: Rs. 850/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Fifty Only) (plus GST @ 18%)
For SC/ ST/ PH, Female & the employees of GIC and GIPSA Member Companies: Nil
Starting Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 11-03-2021
Last Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 29-03-2021
Downloading of Call Letters for Exam: 10 Days prior to the date of exam
Tentative Date of Online Exam: 09-05-2021
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प्रैक्टिस सेट के अलावा और क्या मिलेगा
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HPSSSB JOA IT Special Offer
करंट अफेयर्स सेक्शन के लिए भी आप चिंता मत कीजिये इसके लिए भी आपको अक्टूबर से लेकर फ़रवरी 2021 तक के करंट अफेयर्स की पीडीऍफ़ भी फ्री मिलेगी
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