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NIELIT Shimla JOA IT, Clerk, DEO & Other 91 Posts Recruitment 2023

NIELIT Shimla JOA IT, Clerk, DEO & Other 91 Posts Recruitment 2023, JOA IT, Clerk Jobs in Himachal Pradesh eligible Candidates may appear for walk in interview and skill test in NIELIT Office Shimla.

NIELIT Shimla JOA IT, Clerk, DEO & Other 91 Posts Recruitment 2023 Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Attend

Total Vacancies : 91 Posts

Post Name Total Vacancies
Computer Operator02 Post
Data Entry Operator 02 Posts
Clerk/JOA IT25 Posts
Accountant29 Posts
Sanitary Supervisors 22 Posts
Junior Engineer (Civil)09 Posts
State Coordinator01 Post
Urban Planner01 Post

Qualification for NIELIT Shimla Recruitment 2023

Post NameQualifications
Computer OperatorGraduate with one year Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Science/Applications (PGDCA) / NIELIT
‘A’ Level /NIELIT Diploma.
Data Entry Operator10+2 with diploma in computers/ NIELIT ‘O’ Level and typing speed of 30WPM in English /25 WPM
in Hindi and one year experience.
Clerk/JOA IT 10+2 and must possess one year Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University/
 The sphere of duties/work to be performed by the outsource Clerk/JOA (IT) will be the same as are
performed by the regular incumbents of these categories working in the Urban Local Bodies.
 The Clerk/JOA(IT) can be deployed in any Municipal Council/Nagar Panchayat of the state of H.P
Accountant B.Com. Degree from a recognized University or any Institute duly recognized by State/Centre
 Having knowledge of Computer Application.
 The sphere of duties/work to be performed by the Accountants to be engaged (on outsource basis)
will be all accounts related work, preparation of annual accounts, budget estimates, all other works
being performed by the regular incumbent of this category working in Urban Local Bodies /other
Government Departments and any other work assigned the authority. He/she must possess
computer knowledge to manage all online financial portals of GoHP & Gol.
 The Accountant can be deployed in any Municipal Council of the State of HP
Sanitary Supervisors“Matric in 2nd division or 10+2 and must possess one of the following Diploma course(s):-
1) Diploma in Sanitation; or
2) One year diploma in Environmental Management/Education; or
3) One year diploma in Environmental Health & Safety; or
4) One year diploma course in Health Sanitary Inspector.”
 The sphere of duties/work to be performed by outsource Sanitary Supervisor will be the same as
are performed by the regular incumbents of this category working in the Urban Local Bodies.
 The Sanitary Supervisor can be deployed in any Municipal Council/Nagar Panchyat of the State of
Junior Engineer (Civil)“Regular Diploma in Civil Engineering with 02 years experience in preparing estimates, making
record entries of work execution, H.P. Schedule of Rates, construction of civil works in Govt/Semi
Govt/ Private Institutions.
Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering with 01 year experience in preparing estimates, making
record entries of work execution, H.P. Schedule of Rates, construction of civil works in Govt/Semi
Govt/ Private Institutions.”
Skill Requirement:-The person should be skilled enough in performance of Junior Engineer’s work
in the MCS/NPS especially in preparation of work estimates, measurements of work, tender
process and evaluation of civil works and Bills preparation etc.
The sphere of duties/work to be performed by these outsource employees will be the same as are
performed by the regular incumbents working in the Urban Local Bodies of this category.
The Junior Engineer can be deployed in any Municipal Council/Nagar Panchyat of the State of HP
State Coordinator(i) Graduate or Post Graduate degree from a recognized university in urban planning. Social Work,
public policy, business administration Sociology Anthropology, Commerce, Science or other
related fields, with at least 55% marks.
ii) Two years relevant work Experience in case of Graduate candidates.
(iii) Excellent communication (both oral and written) in English and the officiallanguage of the
State/UT of deployment.
(iv) Computer proficiency in MS Office and proficiency of working on various mobile applications.
(v) Age between 21 years to 35 years.
(i )Relevant work experience of two (02) years for Post Graduate Candidates
Urban Plannerii. Should be Proficient with MS office, strong analytical skills, experience working with Govt.
iii. Fluency in Local Language essential
Role and Responsibilities:
 Overall coordination, project management, and technical support for UD Development and ULBs.
 Handholding support for implementation and monitoring of AMRUT Project in the cities.
 Provide technical and handholding support to cities in the preparation of integrated city plans,
undertaking city planning survey etc.
 Implementation of reform agenda focusing on outcomes.
 Enabling Coaching and mentoring as set out in AMRUT Guidelines.
 Monitoring, for example, external monitoring report by IRMA (quarterly), reform implementation
appraisal report by IRMA
 Any other work/job as required in accordance ToR or assigned by the Director (UD)

Salary for NIELIT Shimla Recruitment 2023

Post NameSalary
Computer OperatorRs.16,530
Data Entry OperatorRs.12,720
Clerk/Junior Office Assistant (IT)Rs.12,720
Sanitary SupervisorsRs.12,720/-
JE (Civil)Rs.18,660/-
State CoordinatorRs.43269/-
Urban PlannerRs.62,500/-

Interview Date

Post NameInterview Date
Computer Operator21-09-2023
Data Entry Operator 21-09-2023
Clerk/JOA IT26-09-2023
Accountant 26-09-2023
Sanitary Supervisors26-09-2023
JE (Civil)26-09-2023
State Coordinator 22-09-2023
Urban Planner22-09-2023

Application Fees


Eligible candidates may appear for walk in interview/Skill Test on 21-09-2023, 22-09-2023 and 26-09-2023 along with their testimonials in original and registration fee of Rs.500/- to be deposited at NIELIT, Shimla through online mode.

How to Submit Application fee

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अधिक जानकारी के लिए वीडियो देखें

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